Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day Thirty-Seven


The Book: The Fortress of Solitude by Jonathan Lethem

ISBN: 0-375-72488-5

Suggested By: Dan Solomon

Where: Home

When: 9:30-10P

Music: None

Company: The Family

Pages: 337- 390 (63)

The Lead In: Putting your assignment off till the last time at night is a bad idea.

The 411 on the 55: Dylan goes to a comic/art/movie festival and his father is being honored for his artwork. Dylan seems pretty blase to the whole thing, though when a section of his father’s movie is shown, Dylan gets a little misty. While at the festival, Dylan hears the story of how Mingus, now in the state pen, saved his dad’s life with a kidney transplant. Just before leaving, a man hands Dylan his mother’s last known address.

The next chapter concerns Dylan cheating on his girlfriend after getting coked up. Again, Lethem’s weak suit is female conversation. After this episode, we get the roots of Dylan’s college experience, just after leaving Brooklyn.

Line of the Day: “Fuck you lookin’ at?” pg 385

The Fact on the Fiction: The man, the legend, the webpage.

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