The Book: Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
ISBN: 978-0-7607-9345-9
Suggested By: Brandon Shuler
Where: Home
When: 2:30-3:15p
Music: Anti-Flag - For Blood and Empire
Company: Alone
Pages: 171-227 (56)
The Lead In: Is the point of this book that people shouldn’t cheat? or that you shouldn’t fall for romantic ideas about love? or that WOMEN can’t handle cheating as well as MEN? I’m not sure.
The 411 on the 55: Emma decides religion was nice, but she will get over it. Soon after getting better, Charles takes her to a play in another city where she runs into Leon, the first guy who hit on her. Of course, Charles is an idiot and says she should stay overnight while he heads back home. She does. And does it with Leon in a cab. Dirty.
They become more and more entangled and she finds excuse after excuse to head to his town and screw around on her husband. Sadly, all her spending is beginning to catch up with her and she keeps trying to balance things and keep them all at bay. She sells things, takes out a mortgage, all under the nose of her trusting husband. But the house of cards is coming apart now.
Line of the Day: “From that moment her existence was but one long tissue of lies, in which she enveloped her love as in veils to hide it. It was a want, a mania, a pleasure carried to such an extent that if she said she had the day before walked on the right side of the road, one might know she had taken the left.” pg 214
The Fact on the Fiction: I was thinking this would make a great movie. They made one apparently. IMDB
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