Monday, August 17, 2009

Day One Hundred and Twenty-Eight through Thirty-Two


The Book: Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes

ISBN: 978-0-15-603008-3

Suggested By: Sissy Vaughn

Where: Home

When: Various Times

Music: None

Company: Alone

Pages: 1- 311

The Lead In: So I fell off the wagon for a little while. Too much work and not enough reading. I will be back to this on schedule within the next couple of days.

The 411 on the 55: Flowers for Algernon is the story of a young man who is given an operation which changes him from retarded to brilliant. He learns more than most people learn in a lifetime, only to lose it all as the operation wears off and he spirals back into retardation.

The 20/20: I liked the book though I’m not sure why they use it for a class read. It’s a marginally good book with an interesting story. The style (diary entries) was a bit off-putting to me.

Line of the Day: “P.S. please if you get a chanse put some flowers on Algernons grave in the bak yard.” pg 311

Fact on the Fiction: Flowers for Algernon won the 1960 Hugo Award for Best Short Fiction. Wikipedia

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