Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day One Hundred and Thirty-Seven


The Book: The Claiming of Sleepy Beauty by Anne Rice

ISBN: 978-0-452-28142-4

Suggested By: Sissy Vaughn

Where: Home

When: 9-10P

Music: None

Company: The Family

Pages: 222-253 (55)

The Lead In: After finally getting caught up, I am excited about getting the ship moving at a steady pace every day. This book is nuts by the way, crazy, like Anne Rice Crazy.

The 411 on the 55: Alexi and Beauty try to keep their secret from other people, but somehow it is discovered. The day disobedient slaves are to be sent to the village to be sold as sex slaves to commoners, the fact of her “infidelity” is brought to the Prince’s knowledge. He is quick in his punishment, exiling Beauty to the village. She is thrilled to be out of the castle and, as the book closes, has sex while in the cart with one of the other slaves.

The 20/20: I know I am jaded in my views on sexuality. A lifetime of being a pervert does that to a person. Anyway, the book is pretty well-written and exceptionally well-written as far as erotica goes. It’s a creative spin on the story of Sleeping Beauty and Rice twists the fairy tale into a dirty dirty dirty book!

Line of the Day: “I love it. I loathe it,” Alexi said. “I am humiliated by it, and recreated by it.” pg 239

Fact on the Fiction: “First off, let me say that this is addressed only to some of you, who have posted outrageously negative comments here, and not to all. You are interrogating this text from the wrong perspective. Indeed, you aren't even reading it. You are projecting your own limitations on it. And you are giving a whole new meaning to the words "wide readership." And you have strained my Dickensean principles to the max. I'm justifiably proud of being read by intellectual giants and waitresses in trailer parks,in fact, I love it, but who in the world are you?” (Anne Rice, referring to people giving her critical reviews on Amazon.com) RageDiaries

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