The Book: Snow White by Donald Barthelme
ISBN: 0-684-82479-5
Suggested By: Brandon Shuler
Where: Home
When: 9:45-10:10P
Music: None
Company: The Family
Pages: 112-167 (55)
The Lead In: There is so much sexual symbolism in the old fairy tales. All the kissing, the sword play, the storming of castles, and magic. Yeah, people were horny, but wanted to put a layer of story on top of the dirtiness.
The 411 on the 55: The leader of the seven, Bill, has grown tired of the lifestyle and wants to move on. Of course, his fellow dwarves resent this and think he thinks he is better than them. This culminates when Bill decides not to take off his pajamas when the sex is supposed to happen, and Snow White decides not to nail them all because of it.
Snow White is in need of a prince, but is dabbling in feminism, refusing to be objectified by the seven. She has begun to deny them sex.
Line of the Day: “Take me home instantly. If there is anything worse than being home, it is being out.” pg 123
The Fact on the Fiction: So I was trying to figure out why the number of dwarfs was seven, and stumbled on the craziest site. Apparently there was a traveling family dwarf entertainers who were almost put to death in Auschwitz. They were saved at the last second (literally, the gas was pumping in) by Josef Mengel, famous for his experiments with human subjects. They survived, eventually moving to Israel and living for another 50 years. Mengel called them his “seven dwarfs of Auschwitz.” Heretical
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