Monday, June 15, 2009

Day Seventy-Five


The Book: Daughter of Destiny by Benazir Bhutto

ISBN: 0-06-167268-2

Suggested By: Sissy Vaughn

Where: Home

When: 8-8:45P

Music: The Fountain Soundtrack

Company: Alone

Pages: 262-318 (55)

The Lead In: The Fountain Soundtrack is amazing for reading time. Featuring the Kronos Quartet, its perfect setting music.

The 411 on the 55: Today focused on her brother’s death.

On vacation at the French Riveria with her family, her brother, Shah, confided in Benazir that he and his wife were not happy and he would probably seek a divorce. She iwas sad and talked him out of it, leading to his eventual death. Later, her brother was found dead, poisoned in his own home. His wife was eventually charged with failing to aid him after his poisoning. Due to her American citizenship she was let off and allowed to return to the US.

Benazir and her family decided to return Shah’s body to their family plot in Pakistan. Though it would probably mean their arrest, they brought him back and over a million people turn out for the burial. Afterwards, Benazir is indeed arrested and held until the US put pressure on Zia to release her. 

Line of the Day: “I will prefer to be hanged than live under the oppressor. To give in is not our principle. We are not ready to call a donkey a horse, or black, white, out of fear of Martial Law.” pg 276

The Fact on the Fiction: There was a powerful scene in today’s reading when Shah’s body is prepared for burial by the family and servants of the house. They gathered and washed his body together, eventually wrapping him in a shroud before burial. It is the Muslim tradition and something that seems a really beautiful and sincere way to say goodbye to a loved one. About

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