The Book: The Chinatown Death Cloud Peril by Paul Malmont
ISBN: 978-0-7432-8785-2
Suggested By: Robert Lopez
Where: B&N Cafe
Music: Sigur Ros - Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust
Company: Alone
Pages: 316 - 367 (51)
The Lead In: As I finished this book today I had an awesome coincidence. Just as the effects of a grande house blend were striking me, the book was wrapping up and it was perfectly timed with one of Sigur Ros tunes that stirs you up. It was nice. I started tapping my foot and smiling, grinning, actually. It was a nice experience. Doesn’t often happen, all those things at once, but when it does, it almost gives you that movie experience.
The 411 on the 55: The wrap up. Zhang Mei has saved one can of the gas and is going to use it on the Chinese in New York City, but only after he kills the Chinese consulate. He succeeds in doing this, by decapitation, and is about to strike the canister with the sword, but is stopped by Gibson, who managed to drink an antidote (concocted by a chemist using Lovecraft’s notes). As the gas escapes slowly, the room clears and Gibson is left with Zhang Mei, holding the gas in with their hands, though Mei’s intentions aren’t clear.
Of course, all the good guys survive, this is pulp, right? And now Dent and Gibson are great friends. Sweet ending.
Line of the Day: “Let me strive every moment of my life to make myself better and better, that all may profit from it. Let me think of the right, and lend all my assistance to those who need it. Let me be considerate of my country, of my fellow citizens, and my associates in everything I say and do. Let me take what comes with a smile, without loss of courage. Let me do right to all and wrong no man.” (The Doc Savage Oath) pgs. 345-6
The 20/20: A really fun read. Well-worth the time and research. I really think that a book like this is best read with a computer next to it, to research the names and events mentioned. I don’t say that in detraction, but rather as an encouragement. This is a good book, well-researched and interesting.
The Fact on the Fiction: Lester Dent, who wrote most of his adventures, described his hero – Clark “Doc” Savage Jr. – as a cross between “Sherlock Holmes with his deducting ability, Tarzan of the Apes with his towering physique and muscular ability, Craig Kennedy with his scientific knowledge, and Abraham Lincoln with his Christliness.” ThePulp.Net
If you are worried that I may have not hit my 55 for the day, I also read pages 17-22 in the next book, Bleak House by Charles Dickens, selected by Dr. Rebecca Mitchell.