The Book: Jamaica Inn by Daphne DuMaurier
ISBN: 978-0-380-72539-7
Suggested By: A Fellow Graduate Student
Where: Home
When: 8:30-9:05p
Music: None
Company: Sissy
Pages: 126-182 (56)
The Lead In: Oh God, this book is strangling my will to live. It’s so so so bad. I’m trying to focus on the redeeming aspects but they are few and far between.
The 411 on the 55: When Mary returns from Jem’s house, she finds her uncle drunk and bellowing. He reveals to her his secret smuggling ring is based of “wrecking”, guiding ships into the rocks with a light, fooling them into thinking they are reaching the harbor. Then killing the survivors and looting the ships.
Mary goes with Jem to town to sell his stolen horses, but after selling them he is caught and she is left to fend for herself. She hitches a ride with the albino vicar, and, after reaching his destination, he sends her in his carriage to Jamaica Inn. Upon arrival Uncle Joss and his men shoot the driver, highjack the carriage and ride to the coast to wreck another ship, with Mary in tow.
Line of the Day: “Yes, I’m drunk; I’m drunk as a king, and heaven and earth can smash for all I care.” pg 179
The Fact on the Fiction: Apparently, wrecking was a common profession. It existed in Europe as well as the Americas (in Florida). N-The-Florida-Keys
You know what? Your 411s make this book sound like a good caper. I'm gonna watch the movie!