The Book: The Bonesetter’s Daughter
ISBN: 0-8041-1498-6
Suggested By: Sissy Vaughn
Where: Home
Music: None
Company: Alone
Pages: 112-170 (58)
The Lead In: Squeezing the reading in after work. Good thing Tan’s work is easy on the eyes.
The 411 on the 55: Ruth has to cancel her trip to Hawaii to care for her mother. She has basically dipped into full-fledged crazy pants.
Memory is a big deal in this book, both her mother’s lost one and Ruth’s own experiences. Ruth focused today on a particular coming-of-age, near raping by her neighbor. She also relays the story of when she pretended to be Precious Auntie and told her mom to kill herself. Which she tried to. Eh...
Line of the Day: “It’s the chemistry that gets you pregnant.” pg 133
Fact on the Fiction: “Born in the US to immigrant parents from China, Amy Tan failed her mother’s expectations that she become a doctor and concert pianist. She settled on writing fiction.” (thought that was funny.) AmyTan
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