Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What 55 Pages is.

55 pages is a blog that will work in conjunction with an intellectual exercise I am doing. For the next 365 days, I will be reading at least 55 pages each day, after which I will blog about what I've read, the book I am reading in general, and whatever else is on my mind. There are 4 basic rules to this exercise.

1. All the books are selected by other people.
a. if you are interested in submitting a book for the reading, facebook me (Dan Vaughn) or contact me on the email link on the blog.
b. no repeats. if I have read the book before, I can't read it again, if you want to see if I have read a book before, check my goodreads.com page.

2. Concerning this exercise, only one book can be read at a time.
a. I can read other books on the side, but they won't count towards the total daily pages.

3. A daily blog or record must be kept of each session, including all the information about where, when, and with whom I read that day.
a. if my internet is down, I will take a physical blog on paper, and post it when the internet is restored.

4. 55 pages X 365 days = 20,075 pages.
a. no cheating
b. no skipping
c. just reading.

I hope you will join me on this year's path to intellectual growth. It begins to tomorrow.

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